Cesky Krumlov Private Transportation

Transfer from Cesky Krumlov to Salzburg

Fast and easy online booking of transportation from Cesky Krumlov to Salzburg. Book your transport from Cesky Krumlov to Salzburg with a private car and enjoy your trip to Salzburg.

Good deal! If you travel as a group of 4 people the price with our company is the same as offered by other shared-transport providers

Travel informations:

Salzburg Austria private transfer
Duration / Distance:2,5 hours / 220 km
Price for whole car 1- 4 passengers:4000 CZK or 174 EUR
Departure time:Any time
Pick-up point:Anywhere
Drop-off point:Anywhere

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  • Orders made on the departure day are allowed but we cannot guarantee that you will get in.
  • We recommend you book your transport one day before departure. The likelihood of being accepted is bigger. The sooner you let us know, the easier for us to confirm your order.
  • We always try to reply as soon as possible and never later than within 24 hours.

Transport information

  • All our passengers are transported by comfortable Volkswagen Passat Variant cars.
  • Cars are fully air-conditioned and equipped with pollen filters.
  • Passengers can get a bottle of fresh water.
  • All our cars are non-smoking. We can make a stop to take a short break.
  • Our service is door-to-door i.e. we will pick you up from wherever you want and take you to your desired destination. (Remember, we cannot drive you to a no-entry place or to a pedestrian zone in which entry of cars is prohibited. In the case your hotel is in an area in which entry of cars is prohibited or conditioned by having a special permit we will do our best to come up with an alternative.)
  • Baby car seats to keep your kids safe are available free of charge. When filling in your order, ask for a baby car seat and specify the age of your child so that we can select one that fits you best.
  • We are a team of experienced professional drivers.
  • All our cars are insured, in perfect technical condition and absolutely clean.
  • Our prices are per car, not per person.

Pick-up  information

  • We will pick you up from your hotel. Please, wait outside the main entrance or at the reception.
  • If you stay at a private address, please, wait outside the building so that our driver can see you.
  • If your pick up point is a railway station, airport or another place we will send you the description of the pickup point either on a  Google map or a photo.

Payment policy

After accepting your order, we will send you relevant payment details needed for paying a deposit, which is a small part of the total price. All deposits must be paid by credit card online using PayPal services. The remainder can be paid in cash in CZK or EUR.

Cancelation policy / Cancelation fees:

  • 48 hours and more before departure: free of charge
  • Less than 48 hours before departure: 100% of your deposit

About Cesky Krumlov

Český Krumlov is a small city in the South Bohemia region of the Czech Republic. The population of the city is 13 thousand. Its historic centre, centred around the Český Krumlov Castle, has been a designated UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1992

Český Krumlov is bisected by the Vltava River, and dominated by its 13th-century castle. The castle has Gothic, Renaissance and baroque elements, an 11-hectare garden and an original 17th-century baroque theater. There are panoramic views of the old town and the river from the top of its round belltower.

According to local legend, the name derives from Middle High German krumbe ouwe which can be translated as "crooked meadow", after a bend of the Vltava River. It was also mentioned in the 1255 Frauendienst poem by minnesinger Ulrich von Liechtenstein.

Most of the architecture of the old town and castle dates from the 14th through 17th centuries; the town's structures are mostly in Gothic, Renaissance, and Baroque styles. The core of the old town is within a horseshoe bend of the river, with the old Latrán neighborhood and castle on the other side of the Vltava.

Český Krumlov Castle is unusually large for a town of its size, within the Czech Republic it is second in extent only to the Hradčany castle complex of Prague. It is relatively unique in that it is surrounded by a moat filled not with water, but with bears.

More info about Cesky Krumlov: ckrumlov.info

About Salzburg

Salzburg ("Salt Fortress") is the fourth-largest city of Austria. The population of the city is 154 thousand. Salzburg is on the banks of the River Salzach, at the northern boundary of the Alps.

Its main sources of income were salt extraction and trade and, at times, gold mining. The fortress of Hohensalzburg, one of the largest medieval fortresses in Europe, dates from the 11th century. In the 17th century, Salzburg became a centre of the Counter-Reformation, where monasteries and numerous Baroque churches were built.

Salzburg's historic centre is thus renowned for its Baroque architecture and is one of the best-preserved city centres north of the Alps, with 27 churches. It was listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1996. The city has three universities and a large population of students. Tourists also visit Salzburg to tour the historic centre and the scenic Alpine surroundings. Salzburg was the birthplace of the 18th-century composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Because of its history, culture, and attractions, Salzburg has been labeled Austria's "most inspiring city."

In the 1960s, the movie The Sound of Music used some locations in and around Salzburg and the state of Salzburg.

The most important sights in Salzburg are the Hohensalzburg Fortress, the Mirabell Palace and Gardens, the Getreidegasse, the Hellbrunn Palace & Trick Fountains, the DomQuartier Salzburg, the Salzburg Museum Neue Residenz.

With the Salzburg Card and its many benefits, you have a great way to easily and comfortably discover the city of Mozart and all the important sights. Learn more about the Salzburg Card and important sights: salzburg.info